M. shadows nervoso e agitato per la data in Iraq

Dai commenti che Matt ha recentemente espresso a The Pulse of Radio, il cantante dei Sevenfold è parecchio “nervous and excited” per l’imminente data in Medio oriente (anche particolarmete curioso di scoprire com’è la giornata tipo dei soldati americani…)!

ecco a voi l’intervista originale:

According to The Pulse of Radio, AVENGED SEVENFOLD will head to the Middle East for the first time, sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas, to play for U.S. troops on bases in Kuwait and Iraq. While singer M. Shadows admits he’s nervous about making the trip, he also told The Pulse of Radio why he’s excited to go. “I want to go work out with the troops,” he said. “I want to see what they do every day. I want to shoot some guns and I want to throw some grenades (laughs). I just want to see what they do every day. And then I think it will be nice to be able to play, you know, some sets for them on their base and get ‘em back into some of the things they would do if they were at home.”

giada e silvia
