Va sempre avanti il contributo che gli Avenged Sevenfold offrono alla fondazione Fuck Cancer, che ha postato nel proprio profilo delle foto con la seguente didascalia.
#FlashbackFriday Taking it back to this past weekend… We cannot thank the guys from Avenged Sevenfold enough for taking the time to hang out with our cancer WARRIORS and making their Dyin 2 Live Dreams come true!
(Top) Robert Griffith 9/13 Phoenix, AZ – Diagnosed with a Stage 4 Glioblastoma Brain tumor in December of 2012. Robert had brain surgery at the end of February and has continued with radiation and chemo. Even though they cannot remove the tumor completely he continues to FIGHT hoping the tumor does not grow while taking his chemo pills (temodar) for 1 week a month to keep his brain cancer at bay.
(Bottom) Tyler Nelson-Hall 9/14 San Diego, CA – Diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma on Mother’s day of this year. Which was during his senior year at Granite Hills High School in San Diego. Even with the news he received, he’s fought to live what most would consider a “normal” life which included going to prom and walking with his class. With hard work and determination Tyler graduated with honors and his honors ceremony was the day of his very first treatment, needless to say he was able to make it. This astounded everyone at his strength and determination to see things through. Even though he’s still going through treatment he’s attending community college and trying to get a job. Tyler is currently receiving chemo treatments every other week for the next 6 months via a port in his chest. Part of what has been helping Tyler get through his 4 hour treatments is all of his favorite Avenged Sevenfold tracks playing and gettin to rock out. In what most consider to be the best memories of their lives Tyler’s, have all been tainted by cancer. Getting to see #A7X live in concert was the perfect way for him to get an escape from his “reality” and give him more of a reason FIGHT each day.
Both of these cancer WARRIORS have shown us what True STRENGTH and will to SURVIVE really are! It was an honor to be able to meet these two and spend time with them making their #Dyin2Live Dreams happen!!! #FxCKCANCER
La band ha recentemente incontrato due loro fan malati di cancro grazie alla loro collaborazione con Fuck Cancer.

Editor, moderatrice e gestore della gallery dell’A7X Italia.