Unfortunate Snort verrà rimasterizzato

I piani dei Pinkly Smooth si sono spenti con la scomparsa prematura di Jimmy, e questo non c’è stato neanche da confermarlo tanto era ovvio. Ma una cosa Gates l’ha promessa: prima o poi riprenderà in mano Unfortunate Snort, lo rimasterizzerà aggiungendoci nuove parti e lo rilascerà per tutti i fans.
Sono passati già 3 anni da quella dichiarazione ma noi ancora ci speriamo!

Shortly after the two began to work in your first group: Pinkly Smooth – in which Buck and Silverspur D-Rock also worked. How do you see this project now, after all you’ve lived? Do you plan on doing something with the album from your old band?
– We launched a CD, but I don’t know wether to call it an LP or a CD ’cause it didn’t came out with any label and its quality is closer to a demo than anything else. Probably we will remix and remaster the album by adding some new parts, the truth is l would love to bring it to out now that we have the possibillity to get something much better out than the stuff that has been seen previously. All this is just not in process right now but do not doubt that we will release it sooner or later.
