Houston Press recensisce il Mayhem Festival

Houston Press ha pubblicato una piccola recensione del Mayhem Festival in cui afferma che vedere uno show degli Avenged nel 2014 รจ come vederne uno degli Iron Maiden nel 1984!

Watching Avenged Sevenfold in 2014 is a lot like watching Iron Maiden in 1984: amazing stage set, tight guitar harmonies, and soaring vocals added up to titanic singalongs that got mighty loud even up on the hill. Though the day had been impossibly long and hot — or perhaps because it had been — A7X singer M. Shadows still hailed his people in the grass as the show drew to its fiery conclusion.
“Every time we play here, there’s some insane motherfuckers pitting up there,” he said, pointing towards the hill. “So we’re going to play one for you to get crazy to.”

As the band broke into “Bat Country,” smiling dudes from all over the hill streamed over to the wild pit that Shadows had pointed to, squeezing the last drops of Mayhem out of the weekend. One could hardly help but throw the horns in solidarity. Today, we’re all a little burned, a little bruised. But no one can claim we didn’t rock, man.

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